The Cougar Says Goodbye!

the cougarThat’s right folks, we’re starting off the week with the worst fucking news ever! The Cougar has decided to stop submitting photos to us. While I’m sure my angry rants blaming everyone for this horrible outcome would be productive, I think I’ll let this go down the way it should, with words from the The Cougar herself:

Hey fellas. Wow not sure your fans want to see me anymore. Way more down votes than up. Guess it’s time to move on. Thanks for all the love you have shown my pix. To the fans that took time to comment, thank you! Your comments were not over looked. Thank you to the ones that defended me when others were rude and obnoxious. We all have our opinions and are entitled to them, but some where just flat out ignorant, especially when you don’t even know me. I didn’t expect for everyone to like my pix by any means but my god I thought individuals would show more class when commenting. Guess that’s what you get when you post your @ss on the net. Take the good with the bad. LOL😁. Anyway love you all! Merry Christmas!

If you’re as bummed the fuck out as I am, please click the thumbs up. We’re working on getting her back to do something for the GIYP sponsors – but until then, this might be the last time you see this booty for a while. Possibly ever.

I’m going to go cry myself to sleep now.

Check out 48 of the sexiest pictures she’s ever sent us ›

One Comment

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  1. Well that sucks. I just noticed this. I don’t tune in very often but when I do the coug just makes me feel good. She’s a babe and anyone’s ignorant reply needs to wash their brain with soap!

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